It’s hard to believe today is the last day of August! Where did the Summer go? With that being said…for many, a new school year is upon us. Is your home prepared for your student to get the most out of virtual learning?
While coronavirus continues to be on the forefront of everyone’s minds, many schools and universities have decided to continue virtual/remote learning to ensure the health and safety of both students and staff.
We all know how crazy life can get during these first few weeks of school; therefore, we want to help you! We’ve rounded up some tips and tricks on how to organize your home for those preparing to tackle another round of virtual learning.
- Create a space for learning. Make sure you allocate a designated work space within your home that can provide the separation needed for your students to focus and learn. For example, with less entertaining happening inside your home, the dining room table might be the perfect spot. Dining room tables usually have enough space for your students to focus on their math and reading but can also easily transition to a science project. Be sure the space you chose ensures little distraction for the learners in your house.
- Make it fun! In a recent Forbes article, David Boronkay, the principal of Slocum Hall Design Group was interviewed and said, “Children do require unique elements that adults in home offices don’t. Ideally, a space intended to enrich a young mind will have fun, whimsical elements that make it fun for them to be in the space.” With that, there is certainly no expectation to pull the fine china off the shelves from cabinets and turn the room into a classroom; but, Target usually has great items in their $3 bin when you first walk in the door! Even a few new things hung up around the room can get your student prepared to jump into a new year of virtual learning.
- Create a designated section in your kitchen for snacks and lunches! I’m sure we’d all enjoy a schedule where working from home and virtual learning overlapped each other perfectly; however, for most we’re sure that’s not the case. By finding a spot in your family friendly-kitchen where your kids can easily access their food for the day without interrupting a meeting will definitely alleviate *some* stress. Whether it’s an unoccupied drawer in the kitchen or a storage container in the fridge with their name on it, when they’re ready to eat they know just where to go!
- Break up the day. Expecting your kids to sit down at the table and work for four hours straight is probably unrealistic. Break up virtual learning schedules by sending them outside in your kid-friendly backyard…a space you’ve been saying you want to use more. Or, go for a walk in your neighborhood and play a game of “I Spy,” to get their brains thinking. If the weather is not so nice, have them curl up on the couch and read a book of their choice OR pick out a recipe where they’re encouraged to read measurements while they cook (or bake) something yummy!
- Understand it will not be perfect…and that’s OKAY! This is a learning curve for everyone. It’s important to know and accept that things will not go your way (100% of the time). Be sure your plan for the day is a realistic one. Don’t forget to take a deep breath…because tomorrow is a new day!
We hope these tips and tricks help! With that being said, what will this Fall look like for your students?! Will they be learning from home? Are they back in the classroom? OR, is it a split learning experience? We’d love to hear from you!
As alway, if you and your family are in need of assistance, please reach out and let us know how we can help!